Late Night with J
Here's a conversation I had with Joshua last night at 4:20 am:
J: Mom....moooom. Hey lady! MOM
K: What?! why are you awake right now?
J: Mom! Come get me!
K: Joshua! Are you hungry?
J: No...
K: Do you have a dirty diaper?
J: No....
K: Ok then you need to go back to sleep
J: Wait...wait, WAIT! Mom!!!
K: Ok you can keep complaining because I'm not going to play right now
J: (pout) Fine! I'm just going to loudly suck on my hands.
(really loud sucking for 5 minutes)
J: Ok this sucks. Mom!!!
K: I can play this game all night
J: Mom!'m
(sleepy heavy breathing ensues.)
hahah love this.