
Merry Christmas!!! My Christmas present to the universe is an heir to the Taylor-Jones dynasty.

Thats right. I am a large and in charge soon to be mama. I've got a hungry little fetus that is about 17 weeks right now. Your welcome universe.

And don't get pissed that I didn't personally tell you. I didn't really personally tell anyone besides our families and the owner of the Italian restaurant where I go to get my turkey sandwich. You may be really upset, but seriously, I'm sorry, I just didn't have the time to call all my friends and acquaintances between work, naps, vomiting, nausea and doctor appointments. So don't be mad or mean about it, because I'm pregnant.

Next question you will be dying to ask...was this planned? Because you are only 22 and you have your entire life to live! Answer: Um...I got married when I was 20 so I'm not sure how many qualms I have about having children at a young age...also...i'm mormon so duh. But really, it wasn't totally planned. I guess you could say Cam and I weren't as "careful" for like 3 days when we were first put on LEK insurance. But guess what? God's got product to move. You only need to not be "careful" once to find yourself getting sick at the smell of your own refrigerator.

So yes, I will definitely go to high schools and preach to girls that it only takes ONE time to get pregnant so don't be stupid. Yeah guys may get caught up in the moment...but lets be honest, we're women and we have the sense of mind to stop, drop, and wrap that puppy up. TMI?

But really, Cameron and I are so freaking excited for this baby. This baby will be the first grandchild on BOTH sides of the family so can you say spoiled? (I'm actually totally ok with this because the more free cute clothes we get the less money we have to spend.) Cam's parents are so excited but I have to say that I think Colleen wins for the most excited soon to be grandparent. When I told her she started jumping up and down. Picture that in your head because it was totally awesome.

I have some ultra sound pics that I could put up...but I'll just summarize for you. Make a bowl of oatmeal, and then put a bean sprout in the middle of it. Bam. That is what my fetus looks like. On the live feed, it looks like a pinto bean with sprouts with a beating heart (which by the way is the coolest thing in the ENTIRE world to see your baby's heartbeat.)

I don't know the sex yet, but I do have an inkling I'm creating a man-child in my uterus. I also just found out that my mom was 0 for 4 in guessing the sex of her children so in reality we'll probably have a girl.

And I am showing, but lucky for me I'm carrying this baby really low on my stomach and on my face. So instead of looking knocked up I look like I ate a box of ho-ho's everyday for 3 weeks. And for those of you who are brats and say "Oh! poor you, I only carried my baby weight right on my stomach!" I say...good luck with the stretch marks.


  1. Congrats Katie! That's so exciting!

  2. congratulations Katie!! I am so happy for you guys.

  3. Congrats!! Such exciting news! That's gonna be one cute kid :)

  4. Congratulations!!! That is exciting!!! When is your due date?

  5. congratulations Katie that is so exciting! That kid is going to have an awesome life

  6. bahahhaa you are the awesomest. I think i will read this post when i am sad to make me giggle. stop drop and roll that puppy up.... that's goin in the hall of FAME!!

    oh and congrats ;) but you already know i'm freakin out excited for you guys. right in line before momma taylor.

  7. congrats katie! hope that you have started to feel better :)

  8. congrats! I'm so happy for yall. You will carry it just fine.

  9. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS THE MOST EXCITING NEWS I'VE HEARD ALL YEAR!!!! (get it, it's 2011 now..haha) You are going to be the cutest prego lady ever I wish I could see you!!! uuugghh why do you have to live in california?? I miss you guys like crazy and I'm SOOOO excited for you to be a mommy! it's seriously the greatest thing in the whole world!!

  10. Excellent news!! We're excited for you guys:) PS you crack me up

  11. I KNEW IT!!!! well.... actually I didn't. But it would sound cool if I did. Congrats! You will be the cool parents. I know it.

    Favorite line: "God's got product to move". I might steal it someday.

  12. OH! M! G! Congrats!!! I can't wait to meet the little sucker. :)

    Ps. Totally awesome and hilarious post. I'm glad to see you haven't gone sappy. ;)


  13. Congrats Katie!! You still make me laugh just as hard as when we were in PE sophomore year. I'm so excited for you and Cam!

  14. Congratulations Katie! I'm so excited for you guys:)


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