1, 2, 3

1. One more month of living in our nasty apartment and putting up with the horrendous management. Cam and I have been looking at a few 2 bedroom apartments because Joshua needs his own room (when he poops in his sleep he grunts A LOT and it wakes both of us up.) We took a stroll through one absolutely delicious apartment today. I think I even started salivating on the perfectly shampooed carpets. 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath, a zillion closets and a YARD!!!! This place is so amazing I almost seized. And the manager actually speaks english. I'm not being racist, its just great to have a manager speak english...not broken english. The price is about $250 more than we're willing to pay. Ouch. We'll see what Cam's good looks and charming personality can do for us here.

2. Joshua is a two months old! At his 2 month appointment he weighed in at 12.5 lbs (50%) and was 23.25 inches long (75%). So he's not as huge as he was when he was first born. Joshua has lots of fun tricks like: cooing and talking, really being able to get his hands to his mouth and suck, watch me from long distances, roll on his side, and hold his head up. This kid is so freaking strong. Cam holds him on with one hand on his belly and the kid will plank for days. Baby J was sleeping a good 8 hours every night until he got a little sick and then his schedule went haywire. We're trying to get him back to his usual routine but he's still waking up after 5 or 6 hours of sleeping. Look at me complaining about my baby sleeping 5 or 6 hours...how annoying.

So yeah, J is a good sleeper. My OB flipped her lid when I told her Joshy sleeps 7-8 hours at night and kept raving about how lucky I am and how my next kids won't be like that because lightning doesn't strike twice. I just kinda laughed and agreed...but I don't think its all luck. We've put him on a schedule and that really helps. But I'm not going to give myself all the credit either. He is a good sleeper--he's not colicky and he doesn't have tummy problems. So its a bit of luck and a bit of schedule. I just stepped off my soap box. On to pictures:
speaking of sleeping babies...

Bumbo time

Watching tv with dad

I always wondered why people put stupid-looking bucket hats on their kids. Now I'm putting stupid-looking bucket hats on my baby before we go on our walks because he hates the sun. seriously.
"what the [bleep] are you doing mom?"

I had to hold his hands down because he kept sucking them and I couldn't get a good pic of him smiling. still didn't get a good pic.

3. Cam and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary! Ginormous thanks to our friends Stacey and Andy for watching Joshua so we could go out to dinner and celebrate. We ate at Rock Sugar and got the chef's tasting menu. Amazing. Erinn--you are so right, I can't believe I never got the coconut soup before. It is insane. Sheking beef...holy crap. But the creme de la creme was the banana cake. Someday if I am a widow I am going to marry that banana cake. Good food always makes me want to scream profanities. Cam and I ended by rating the different foods on what curse words we wanted to scream when we ate it. ( FYI the banana cake got 3 f words.)

Wow, I really wrote a paragraph about food when I should be talking about our anniversary. It was so amazing to go out with just the two of us. We both love Joshy so much, but its hard to pay attention to our spouse when he's in the room. He has such a commanding presence. Anywho, we both agreed that the past 3 years have been the best we've had yet. It's really funny to look back and see how much we've grown together and how thank goodness we married each other and not someone else. Although I am not as hot as some of Cam's ex's or as smart, I do have one thing going for me--I am not crazy. I mean, it's all relative but the point is, instead of being a gaping black hole of need, I can support him in his career, church calling and life. On the other hand, Cam is definitely the smartest and best looking guy I've ever dated and can support our family financially and emotionally etc etc etc. I think there's a clear winner here.

Cheers to 3 years and many more to come! Happy 3 years sugar! I love you so much!

And of course I can't end a blog post without talking about my preggy body!!! Everyday I'm looking more and more like a balloon that you blew up really big and then let the air out (so its all wrinkly and saggy...come on, you know what I'm talking about!) But there has been progress! I was able to button my non-maternity fat pants...and then on our anniversary I fit into my mid-fat pants. Those are the pants that aren't your regular size but aren't your fat size...they're somewhat chunky pants. Per my request, my darling husband set up an ab routine with beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. I am now doing the intermediate level (hooray!) and can actually do a plank without having an aneurism. Three cheers for progress! But this morning I had another emotional breakdown because I still can't fit into my skirts because I have an enormous booty. Seriously, I took my measurements and I have an additional 5 inches of pure badonkadonk. Plus one point for a big booty but minus a million points for freaking out about it.

Someone asked me if I put mederma or some other kind of scar cream on my incision. Well, I guess I could, but the only reason my scar would be showing in public is if I took up stripping. While it may be a lucrative career for some, the thought of grinding on random men makes my self esteem plummet. So no thanks! I'll keep my scar to shame me from hopping on that pole.


  1. Please share your darling baby's sleeping schedule and how you perfected it. And congrats on 3 years!

  2. girl, i miss you so much. and happy anniversary :)


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