Lets Talk About Sex Baby

Actually, lets talk about double strollers.

Uh huh. This mama is expecting.

Because Cameron got me pregnant.

17 weeks! (now you're probably doing the math in your head, and, like most people, are beginning to freak out because you think our trip to Amsterdam was a babymoon of sorts. It wasn't, but most likely you're thinking along those lines you dirty pervert...)

Here are some of the stages of my pregnancy:

  • temple
  • impression to have a baby
  • panic
  • nonononononononono
  • panic
  • negotiate with God
  • feel ok
  • pregnancy test is positive
  • crap
  • panic
  • depression, rage denial
  • feel ok
I'm pretty sure people in my ward thought I had a boob job because I was NOT showing right until 15 weeks, and then boom, mini bump. 

So rest assured ladies and gentleman, we're still au naturale up in here. I'm just pregnant. 

And no real morning sickness (hallelujah!) and I'm pretty sure its only because I've taken prenatal gummy vitamins and have been exercising pretty hardcore 4-6 days a week. Not because I'm pregorexic! Because it keeps my from feeling sick, and usually keeps the headaches at bay.

The only real symptom I've had is insomnia and bizarre nightmares. It really is a terrible combination. And don't even get me started on the nightmares I had after watching Life of Pi.*

I'm dying to know the sex of this little fetus, and I have to wait until 21 weeks (BOOO!) 

But for reals, lets talk about double strollers! And I would love some guesses as to what I'm having.

*I also had a dream that I gave birth to a calf...as in a baby cow. I started crying and the nurses were like "its ok! She'll grow out of it!" What does that mean? Wait, don't tell me...


  1. Woot-woot! I'm so glad Cam knocked you up. This world needs another mini-Jones. I'm guessing a girl. And the Phil & Ted's double (we have the Verve) is awesome :)

  2. Haha, just to clarify, we still only have Winston and you are 17 weeks closer to being pregnant than I am, but we like to prepare early... apparently :) I just use one seat on the Verve right now, but it is awesome!

  3. Woohoo! Congrats!! I'm guessing girl. And I'm super jealous of your lack of symptoms! I hope you're whole pregnancy goes so smoothly!

  4. congrats! so exciting! i've been looking at double strollers for close to 6 months! here's what i learned- unless you want to spend a fortune it's not going to be a great stroller (and maybe the super pricey ones aren't super awesome either. i'm not sure) but you should go to buy buy baby and look at their selection after doing some online research. i had narrowed it down to a few strollers but was glad i went to test them at the store. For what I was looking for, I found that the Countours LT tandem was what I wanted. (except that I can't run with it. but I dont like running with a stroller anyway) I just bought it yesterday so i haven't tested it except at the store. I'll let you know tho! I liked it. I just got a tray for DS1 and me b/c it doesn't have it (major flaw in my opinion!)

    good luck tho!

  5. Congrats! No comments on the double stroller, but I'm a big fan of baby slings. I think I'll be using that and a single stroller as long as possible because it double strollers are usually ridiculously large. But I'm not ready for one yet, btw. Congrats again. We'll see each other some day and our babies can get married.

  6. Congrats Katie! That's exciting news. I know I'm a little late, but nonetheless, good luck as you embark into the world of two littles.

    It's exciting. Speaking from my girls 18mo. apart i STRESSed about a double stroller. Truth is, I didn't use it all that much. It's too heavy to jog, and I usually just stuck them in a shopping cart. Carmen learned quickly to hold my hand...a foreign concept back in the day... and ta da, you're a mom of 2. Maybe if I had a cooler stroller I would've used it more, but idk.

    Happy days!

  7. just wanted to write back to say that i love our stroller! not a jogger but great for getting around. contours LT options :)

    hope you find one you like!


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