Unsolicited Commentary

Things I've learned not to bring up:
  1. Do not bring up natural birth vs. epidural birth. There are people on both sides who will go buck freaking wild if you bring it up. (Steve and Becca this does not include you.)
  2. Breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding. Again, people on both sides will claim that the other is "unnatural." What...? There are the teat nazis (thank you Tina Fey) who say you should breastfeed your child until they are 5 and then there are the yucky boobies who think...yes you guessed it, feeding your child via breast is "yucky."
  3. Sleep training/scheduling. People have told me that babies have died from being put on a schedule. Ok...yeah I literally have nothing to say that won't add to the crazy. And I'm going to drop this bomb: I am using babywise on Joshua. Bam. There it is. Lecture me if you would like.
  4. Pacifiers. Why are these so controversial? Its the same with giving your baby a bottle all I hear is "Screamingnippleconfusionnippleconfusionnippleconfusionscreamscreamscream." All I'm going to say is the first time baby J took a bottle I realized I could leave the house again. Some people are really talented with the hooter hiders but I'm just not there yet. Until then holler at your bottle.
  5. whether or not you have a "good" baby or a "bad" baby. A lot of mom's have given birth to mutants who do not cry. Good for you, seriously. Baby J has a nice pair of lungs on him that he enjoys using before he goes to sleep and all during the afternoon/early evening. I can't complain though because he sleeps 4 hours, eats and then sleeps another blissful 4 hours. Just don't judge me because my baby cries.
My opinion on all of the above topics is i'm ok, you're ok, lets all be ok with what other people are doing. Oh you bottle feed? As long as you're not feeding the little one rat poison we're cool. Are you cool if I give my yucky booby to my baby? Ok good. world peace.

One more thing. There is a negative relationship between how tired I am and how much my blog sucks. (tired on the x axis suckiness on the y.) go math. Ok thats enough out of me, here are some baby pics compliments of nana. (and I'm going to go take a nap now.)

First day at the beach. And my postpartum body=amorphous shapes + boobs.

"How you doin wi' dem big ol' eyes?" What a black guy said to Joshua at Cafe Rio


  1. What is with all the judgement? It doesn't stop even when your child is nearly 25lbs and could take down most adults.

    ...and I really hope baby Josh doesn't have nipple confusion, I heard it's incurable :)

  2. I'm in a ward with hippies and when I tell them I'm going to have a baby in a hospital with an epidural, they look at me like I'm killing my fetus.

  3. Josh is a rockstar just like his parents. 'Nough said. Plus his purty eyes come from his mamma, yessums, they are gorgeous.

  4. I'm afraid I would have died had Jake NOT been put on schedule, thus he would have died because he refuses a bottle. It was our saving grace.

  5. great post! Next time, sleep first :) Nothing is more important than napping while he does, at least according to my mom, who would call me and tell me to stop whatever i was trying to get done while the baby slept and take a nap myself. Love her for that.

  6. Katie! Your baby is beautiful. I know you are an awesome mom! Who cares what other people think?! you rock :) Can't wait to meet the little guy! Hopefully we can get together before I leave again for Utah at the end of August!

  7. My nurse almost went into cardiac arrest when I asked for a pacifier after Chase was born (nipple confusion!!!)...they sent in the "lactation specialist" who clearly has never birthed or breastfed a baby. When I told her I'm a third-time mom, she just handed it over.

    Just ignore what everyone says and do what works. And be as controversial as possible with strangers because it's super entertaining to see them squirm :)I like to tell people we're having at least 9 children while mine are screaming at the checkstand in the grocery store...

  8. I love babywise :) used it with both my boys and the only complaint I have Bout it is how much CRAP I get from people! happy mothering, its the best! Your son is very handsome

  9. I'm pretty sure if given the choice between a pacifier and a real live nipple, I know which one to go for. So I'm confident nipple confusion isn't permanent.

  10. Katie!! Thanks for making me laugh... I loved all your posts and so happy little Joshua is doing well. I miss you girl!!


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