I'm my own worst creeper
One year ago, Anne and Danny pushed aside the red flags and bought a little Twinkie. Witness.
Yes, Twinkie is a little maltese dog we had a birthday party for him. I know that everything I just said is bizarre and weird on so many levels. For example 1. i'm writing about my friend's dog and 2. i made Cam go to a birthday party for a dog with me. they served spam. Weird thing #3... I said that they served spam at the dog's birthday party. What does this say about my life?
Ah, just....don't make it weird. Anyways, moving along, here's a nice family portrait (I sound like a serial killer in this post)
Anne is the best ever. Those cakes are adorable!! and tasty. Like a true 1 year old, Danny and Anne let twinkie go after one of the cakes. He only licked at it for like 2 seconds, and then me and Rachel ate some of the cake. It totally reminds me of the Mormonad with the ice cream and a cockroach in it saying "would you still eat some of this??" In this case we did.
Well since I'm living through other's lives right now lets continue! Some of my friends are going to Paris on Sunday (happy for them and JEALOUS. Someone give Cameron some money so he can surprise me with a trip to Europe!) Neither of them speaks french, so i was thinking of giving them a few lines of french that might help them out.
- "Je ne parle pas francaise" --Juh nuh paaaarl pah frawn-sayzzzz. "I do not speak French"
- "Je m'appelle Jones" Juh muh pell Jones. "My name is Jones"
- "J'ai une reservation sur le nom ___" Jay oooo-n reservasssseee-on sir lay gnome__. " I have a reservation under the name ___"
- "Excusez-moi, est-ce que vous vous de deranger" Excooosay muah. essssssque voo voo duh dair-ehn-jay "Excusez me, but could I politely bother you for a moment?"
- "Aide-moi!" I-day-muah. "Help me!"
- "Je suis desolee" Juh sweee dez-o-lay "I'm sorry"
- "Ton amie Katie aime les cadeux" Tone ahmee Katie aim layz cah-dough. "Your friend Katie likes presents"
- "eugh" eeeooough. "Um"--in a french way
hahaha I'm not going to lie we totally had the Canadian flag on our bags when I backpacked through France with my cousin.