RealClear Katie Politics

If right now you find yourself saying "ugh! Lets stop talking about politics. Stop posting stuff on facebook!" you can:

  1. Stop reading my blog
  2. Get off of facebook
  3. Crawl into your hipster cave and smoke your self rolled menthol cigarettes and drink your gluten-free beer and talk about how great it is to not conform to society and how you're so "over" people b-ing and moaning about the election
as for me and my house, we're gonna piss and moan about politics. 

Now, lets get one thing clear. I say a lot of a crap.

A LOT of crap. 

Take for instance my obligatory snarky comment I made on facebook after Obama won re-election. Something like good luck trying to find a job in the next 4 years graduates. Cameron gave me the stink eye for posting it, but thats because he has a stronger moral compass than me. I stand by what I said. Why?

Because I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

Say what? does that even work? It does with this 20 something female enigma.

And thats why I'm pissed. Not because I'm anti-Obama (although I was VERY pro-Romney) or a fascist Tea Party conservative. And it is definitely not because I'm not an urban rhythmic socialist kenyan muslim (inside joke with Cameron and moderates worldwide.) 

Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. AKA good government is good, and bad government is bad. I'm not a democrat or a republican. I believe that at this point in american history we are a sinking ship. Our economy sucks, unemployment is high and we have a crazy, crazy, CRAZY high national debt. Although I think universal health care is a wonderful thing, I think the cost, right now, is too high, and the president focused on that instead of righting this sinking ship. 

On the other hand, I am relieved that planned parenthood isn't going anywhere. Dare I say that?!! Honestly, that was too hard a pill to swallow for women. And for the record sex-ed teaching abstinence only is INSANE as well as denying birth control on health care plans. Is that liberal? Or is it just common sense. Boom. Roasted. 

I really believe that Romney could've helped the economy. He was in the same business as my husband is now (private equity, the devil of america) and has the same personality and qualities as my dad, and husband. What I mean to say is these guys get their $#!& done. If you disagree with that, I really believe that you are too blinded by your hatred of conservatives to perceive reality. 

BY THE WAY, I did watch 2016. I think Cameron summed our feelings of it up pretty perfectly when he said "Dude, you are smoking some sa-weet hash Dinesh."

Needless to say I wish I was smoking some of that sweet hash last night. But that stays between this fiscally conservative socially liberal biotch and you. 

And what can I say? I was raised by a strong and intelligent father figure who was in business my entire life and basically double majored in econ.* So, yeah, I DO know what I'm talking about.

* ugh Econ 382 you are the bane of my existence!


  1. "I say a lot of crap. A LOT of crap."

    you are fantastic. And crap or not...i like it

  2. I just laughed out loud. This is amazing! You need to write for a column.... I'm not kidding.

  3. Heather is right, Katie. Writing comes so naturally to you- you should get paid for it. Do it!

    And Obama 2016 was SWEET! (I also think Nostradamus 2012 on the History channel is sweet.) Whatever. That election did weird things to all of us.


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