I need to start out by saying that "Snuggies" have people raising the roof in their commercials. Stole my move!!

Finals: We don't know what happened in the end. But...our GPA's went down a few points because of it.

Christmas: We went to visit Katie's family in Yorba Linda for Christmas. Awesome for Katie. Girls day lunch, Girls day brunch, Girls day movies and lunch! Semi-awesome for Cameron. Video Games, sci-fi books, Matrix marathons, video games.

Babies: I love babies. and nope! we are not having one any time soon. During Christmas we saw a lot of my friend Briana and her baby girl Celia. Witness the cute.
Celia loved aunt Katie because aunt Katie would feed her french fries and cookies (things that Briana does NOT allow) and also because aunt Katie would take her on walks (holding her hands and guiding her through the house) AND because i would give her my lipgloss to play with. She loves me!

Hermana Rooney: My kim kim is going on a mission to San Antonio Texas Spanish speaking! She was so sweet to give her farewell during Christmas break so all her friends could make it. She is amazing and Provo and Yorba Linda will MISS HER SO MUCH!!
Dedication to my roomie and bestie. We've been through a lot...cereal, hot lava, stranded on islands and booty shaking. You are the best kim. Love you. We were so hot freshman year.

Ryan: my little bro bro is 6'3" and a baller!!! We went to a ton of his basketball games during Christmas break and he owned. I think 3 of the 5 games we went to he scored 20 points or more. Looks like we have a soon to be Kobe on our hands! except he won't rape people...oh shoot i said that. Love you Kobes.

Westwood: We went to visit our future home...and i absolutely fell in love with the area. Some of cam's friends who work at LEK (where he will be working once we graduate) took us to lunch and gave me the tour of the building. The place is STUNNING!! 21st floor with a view of Westwood and LA. I was amazed. The area is a mix of adorable and posh if thats possible. Anywho, we're stoked to live and both work there for a couple of years!

Here's a sexy picture of Cam just for good measure.
What an angel face.

Well, we both are starting a new semester, which is also our last at BYU!! tear/shouts of joy. Cam is taking 6 credits, working and taking a GMAT prep course. Katie is taking 15 credits of pure awesomeness. North and South Baroque, Moliere and Gender in performances are a few of the topics going on up in hur. I'll (Katie) be translating some of Moliere's text that have never been translated into English before. Lets cross our fingers that employers like that kind've stuff!


  1. I just discovered your blog! You are freaking hilarious. Also I'm a little jealous that you guys know where you're going after you graduate. We thought we knew, but now it's kinda up in the air. Oh well, we'll figure it out.


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