A few weeks ago Cam and I flew up to Seattle for his Grandpa Jones' funeral. It was a wonderful service, but we both agree that our favorite part was hearing stories from Ross and Casey and others. After the funeral, the Jones family went to the Westin to hang out in Casey and Sherida's suite (8 year old sleep over style, and like 8 year olds, me and cam got tired and winey and went home early to sleep in our own beds)
Me looking really grungy in the hotel (in my 8 year old sleep over pj's) with Cam and Casey. Cam was soooooo excited to be in Seattle. just look at that face.
Brett, Kat and Alison. Looking good, maybe not as excited as Cameron, but excited. I do have to say the best part of being in Seattle was having the chance to be on the Dick Van Dyke show. Our hotel room was model just like the show was! A married couple sleeping in their own twin beds. awesome...and chaste. The next day me and cam woke up and roamed Seattle like hungry little peasants. (we were starving and trying to keep a budget.) Thank goodness we found a Starbucks and paid $15 for a fruit and yogurt! Food in big cities are like souvenirs: you buy the same thing for 75% cheaper anywhere else, but come on, its a city! Live the life! Buy that over priced yogurt and granola...and like it!
I'm the best at rants and tangeants. and possibly spelling. En tout cas, we met up with the fam and tried to decide what we should do. During the process we took pictures
In the lobby looking happy after a 10 hour night of sleep.
If there was a Miami Vice 2009, Cameron would obviously be the star (and sex icon, woooo!). Love the facial hair. After the photo shoot, we ate and then went to the most ridonkulous bowling alley I have ever seen and can only describe with one word:posh. To help you understand, here is a pic of me and cam looking extremely posh
sexay. this was taken in the lounge area of our own personal lanes. Well, in the end, we drove to the airport, were exhausted and were lucky enough to sit together in front of the emergency exit row where we couldn't recline our seats. we love airports/planes that house a lot of coughing/drunk/obnoxious/have swine flu people.
I'm the best at rants and tangeants. and possibly spelling. En tout cas, we met up with the fam and tried to decide what we should do. During the process we took pictures
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