On Humidity

I was warned about the east coat humidity, but when we moved here it was 83 degrees with a slight breeze and it was GORGEOUS! Then a few days later I actually met that east coast yatch that we call humidity and I COULDN'T. EVEN. HANDLE IT.

My first real interaction with humidity: 

10:00am: Hey! Lets get the boys in the stroller and walk along the River Trail! It'll be great! I love you!

10:45am: We actually get out the door

10:50am: Ugh. Ugh. 

10:52am: Gross. Just, ugh this is gross.

10:53am: Eff. So. Effing hot.

10:55am: EEFFF. ugh! EFFF!

11:10am: @#$% &@*%!! 

11:15am: Murder.

11:17am: MURDER!!

11:20am: Homeless man offers us some Sunny D and I consider snapping his back over my knees.

11:30am: My angelic mother-in-law sees that I've turned into a demon and suggests stopping and getting lunch somewhere. She and Cam search their phones while I sweat and take Joshua's granola bar from him and roll my eyes when he cries.

11:35am: Cameron finds a place "Hey! Katie! It's called Smile Cafe! (He gives me a big hopeful grin and my head spins 360 degrees while shooting lasers out of my eyes.)

11:45am: We arrive at Smile Cafe. There's stairs, so we need to fold the stroller to take it up into the restaurant. I leave Cameron and Sherida to do all the work, heavy lifting and childcare while I go and sit.

11:46am: "Cameron! This is asian food! Josh isn't going to eat anything!" "Uh, Katie, Josh doesn't eat anything anywhere, so I'm pretty sure its a non-issue." I growl, and continue to ignore my children and order pad thai.

11:56am: Our food comes out, my mind is blown and I'm sitting directly under the AC vent.

11:57am: "Cameron! What a great idea! This place is amazing! yayayayay! We love philadelphia!"

12:15pm: We leave the restaurant to head back home--which means I walk back outside.

12:17pm: Murder. I'm just, ugh, just going to murder something.


  1. Hahahaha this is basically how I feel about any temperature over 80 degrees, and I have never experienced humidity so I would probably do more than murder. Also, Asher never eats anything anywhere we go either. We usually have to buy him a bag of chips before we go to a restaurant! haha

  2. GIRL! You are preaching to the choir.

    May I suggest wearing dressing eery single day. It helps, a little.


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