Nude descending a staircase

I'm going to try and sneak this blog post in while both Cameron and Joshua are sleeping so I'm not interrupted by sleepy/cranky/angry men asking for me.

I also couldn't think of a title....anywho

Joshy loves having Uncle Cory come over every Sunday night. These two ultimately end up in this snuggle position watching a movie

Is it weird that I'm posting a picture of my beautiful friend Stacey and her handsome Jake? Whatever. This picture was taken at Thanksgiving Point's Farm, where we went with together with Erinn, Eliot and Benson!

He can't handle when his walking equilibrium gets off so he had to crawl up the ramp to join the other boys

Joshy and Jake

Eliot, Jake, and Josh...all with their backs to the camera. It is really hard to take pics of little boys!

Mr. Jake trying to escape, or posing.

I think these next few pictures are hilarious. Someone is throwing a fit in every picture (including me in the last one)

We were so excited to visit with Erinn and the boys! It was just like we had never moved from LA...except we were hanging out in UT

Joshy is getting very independent right now. I used to cut grapes in half for him to eat, until suddenly he refused them and threw them on the ground. That same day he toddled over to my grapes (still on the stem) and starting biting each one off with his little toddler teeth. Apparently that is the only way he will eat fruit now.

Playing in the quilt store

If that looks seems familiar...its because you've seen Cameron do it a billion times. Intensity focus stage 5. Cuties.

watching the penguins at the aquarium with Nana

My camera does the weirdest lighting...but I think he was intently watching the baby sharks here.

Olympic junkie. Rooting for Michael Phelps

I kinda had the same reaction every time Ryan Lochte opened his mouth

Attempted series of pictures at the Dinosaur museum with Stacey and Jake

Someone explain this face to me. No he is not about to sneeze...he's making a gooby face!

See, I told you. He's posing with this little "o" face

Prancing on the dinosaur scale so the machine wouldn't be able to get an accurate reading of their dino weight

"Ok boys!!! 1,2,3 Look at me!!! Jake! Josh! Look over here!!!"

Big shark

You know those racecars that they attach to the front of shopping carts at grocery stores. You know the ones, you see them and think "ew, gross and how annoying, when I'm a mom I will never put my kid in one of those." Its ok, I thought that too. And here I am, taking pictures of my kid in the gross and annoying race car/grocery cart

Happy as a flipping clam

Joshua has had quite a few teeth come in. He hasn't been a very happy or comfortable boy. Our remedy is highland's baby tablets, a pacifier, Chicken Little (the movie) and his favorite spot and blankie on the couch.

Happy 4 years of marriage to my eternal companion! (Cory was gracious enough to snap some pics of us AND watch our Joshy pants so we could go out)

I was pretty f-ing stoked that I fit into that shirt and skirt...its been a few years.

Cutie face

Cutie restaurant

Everyone takes pics of their fancy dinners. My only problem is that SLC doesn't have as good of food as, say, LA, Chicago, or NY. So my fancy steak looked like a pile of cow feces. It was still pretty good...not up to my standards for the price, but oh well. ::huge sigh:: I miss you Mastro's. 

Trying to capture Joshua talking in his jibber jabber

Fancy prance at the Dino museum


  1. Katie! This is so funny! Oh gosh, so much I want to say. First, you are a hot mom. Second, Andy and I took pictures of our food for our anniversary and it looked like cow poop too!!! Fancy cow poop, but still. Third, I get anxiety looking at the pictures of the boys at T.P. dinosaur museum. Fifth, I love the concerned look on Benson's face as Jake pulls a royal fit, and then how I look like I just pulled a hernia. Sixth, Happy Anniversary to such an amazing couple! We love you guys!

  2. OH!!! And thank you for the pictures! I needed them badly so NO it's not weird, much appreciated!

  3. OMG! I miss you both so much! And now Erinn is leaving me too! I know we all love L.A., but it's starting to suck with no friends :( I'm going to plan a trip to Utah soon so Winston and I can play with you all :)


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