Jonsies in Real Life

Cam and I have had quite a few reality checks since our move to L.A.

  1. Living as newly weds in Utah could get insane. As in competitive insane. So many girls with brand new shoes and cute clothes...but that wasn't as bad, it was their apartments. IMMACULATE! Decorated to perfection and for every holiday 4 weeks beforehand. Let me state that there is nothing wrong with this!! I'm just not the type of person who decorates with hand made crafts. I just always felt like a deusche every time I would visit someone and they'd open the door with an "I believe in Santa" apron on with a platter of gingerbread cookies in one hand, and a roasting turkey in the oven and hand strung cranberries around the apartment. Anywho, since moving to L.A. Cam and I set up shop and I had a few friends from high school stop by so we could drive to dinner together. They walked in and said "wait, this isn't an apartment, this is a home! cozy and homey!" Heyo!!! reality check. I'm not a desperate housewife! I don't freaking care if I decorate or not. And guess what? We didn't even dress up for Halloween! My apartment is awesome with or without cutsie decorations.
  2. Career jobs are the worst!! (and sometimes the best.) 3 weeks ago Cameron came home every night at 6:30 and then his manager gave him Friday off. We went to Disneyland! it was awesome! But now last week Cam worked 100+ hours and it looks like he'll be doing the same thing this week and next. wah wah. career jobs.


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