The Would-Be Miser

A lot has been happening in the Jones life--like things that are way more important than anything you have been doing. Like REAL grown up stuff. So no beef about my lack of blogging...I'm too busy being an adult.

First act of adulthood: Cameron separated his shoulder. Bravo!! Exactly two weeks before our moving date, Cam Cam went mountain biking one morning, and fell over the nose of his bike on a really steep hill. It is a 3rd degree separation on his right shoulder (when he was 18 he had a 3rd degree separation on his left) and is still in the process of healing. The x-ray of his shoulder was really popular at work and people thought I was really cool for bringing it in. People also thought I was really cool for bringing Cameron into work two days later while he was still on percocet. He was HILARIOUS.

Second act of adulthood:packing up our Budget truck and driving to Orange County. More importantly, and way more adult--I drove stick shift the entire way! Booya!! I felt REALLY good about driving stick until I stalled the car 5 times in a row at a Chevron in Primm. wah wah. Anyways, I drove the Scion, Cameron drove my CRV (separated shoulders can't drive stick shift) and my dad drove the Budget truck. It was really fun because we maxed out our speed at about 55 mph. The Budget truck could really not handle mountains, hills, or forward motion at all. At one point, my dad got the truck up to around 70 mph downhill; he likened this experience to rolling a pig down a hill.

Third act of adulthood: throwing a tantrum about apartments. I just couldn't get myself to shell out 1995 a month for a two bedroom nice apartment. So we went for the 1350 one bedroom one bathroom. Is it nice? Well, its 1350 a month. Is it cute? Well, its 1350 a month. Does it have a nice view? A 1350 view. Is it the crappiest apartment out of all the starting LEK guys? Hell yes. But i'm ok with that. In a way, the apartment is comforting because it is exactly like my grandma's house. The color, style, doors, bathroom, tiling, carpeting, blinds and porch. My grandma's house was built in the 70's, our apartment was built in the 60's. The whole apartment is the color of plain oatmeal, and I console myself with the color and 1350 a month by saying, "well, I'm just going to potterybarn/anthropologie this place out." Mark my words, I WILL have a cute and retro apartment! Just you wait!

Fourth act of adulthood: paying for our own plane tickets to come to Austin, TX to visit mama and pop pop Jones so they can baby us.

Fifth act of adulthood: still not putting up pictures, but asking my mother-in-law to send us pictures she has taken this week to prove we are still alive.


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